Ⓐ Personal Space

a day in the village

I wake up pretty late, still trying to adjust. If it’s around 10 I call it a success but most of the time it’s around 12 or 13.

Wake up - splash ice cold mountain water on face - 1 minute

A teaspoon of pine molasses gets me going. - 30 seconds

Walk down to the garden - 15 minutes

Pick some wild thyme - 5 minutes

Walk back home and boil water - 30 minutes

Drink thyme tea, roll and smoke a cigarette in front of the house, watch around with an empty mind - 20 minutes

Feed the cat some yogurt - 2 minutes

Chop wood for the stove - 15 minutes

Shabby Breakfast - 30 minutes

Try to work on thesis, play chess online - 30 minutes

Work actually on thesis - 1 hour

Coffee break - 20 minutes

Work on thesis - 2 hours

Walk down to the village center - talk to neighbours - 10 minutes

Chop more wood - 20 minutes

Play with clay - 2 hours

Something close to dinner - 1 hour

Drink whiskey and listen to Potemkine - 1 hour

Play with clay - 2 hours

Go to bed and try to sleep, imagine new scenarios where you can see her once again and imagine it all the way. You’re in California - she smiles at you, she ignores you, she doesn’t recognize you, she’s walking with her husband - you’re in the Californian desert - have been waiting for her for years. She arrives, you’re a junkie now. She helps you recover. You move to a small town in South France. She teaches art and you collect unemployment. What a life. - 2 hours

Sleep - however long it takes.