Ⓐ Personal Space

Reinhabitation Poems

  1. Watering Roots
  2. Primrose, Pale
  3. Things to do in a mountain village during a snowstorm
  4. Self
  5. The Cat
  6. How to write your thesis while living off the land in a mid-range mountain village
  7. pine locked me inside
  8. Distant smell of Clementine
  9. The Riverbed
  10. It is what it is - Cherry
  11. Thank you
  12. A day in the village
  13. Unblocked
  14. Election Day
  15. Rave in a Forest
  16. This Cold Mountain
  17. Soon, with the Sun

Poetry of Peace, Love & Understanding

  1. Valle della Luna

Experimental Poems

  1. Fiberoptic Cable
  2. However innocent we are (erasure poetry)