Ⓐ Personal Space

election day

The stream with its source in Mt. Ilgaz reaches the village carving rocks and shaping lives is one of the borders between villages. Pine and oak meets rosehip, linden, dogwood, followed by lines of poplar and walnut followed by einkorn, barley, clover, followed by plowed gardens ready to be seeded.

Walk further and hear a dog, houses scattered.
A fountain on the center, cow’s locale.
Hear a motor hoe, a tractor there, oil bottles thrown with no lid on.
Cob walls of a hundred year-old pine house
a cement yard compliments
a rush of people dressed nicely to the upper house-scatter where the community center is.
The people to decide who their voice should be.
Twenty year-old boy runs against a boomer
He knows how things work, they say.
I tell Özkan I can’t stand any longer, going to leave to find some clay and make seedballs to cast upon the land.
