Ⓐ Personal Space

How to write your thesis while living off the land in a mid-range mountain village

Promise yourself to wake up with the first rays of sun
But too cold - stay in bed longer
Put some wood in the stove - need to chop-split first
No breakfast - some tea and cigarettes suffice
The warmth will make you sleepy again so go out for a stroll
Take photos of the snowy hills
Come back - read some - write some

Take the first physical break: chop more wood or do cleaning chores - talk to neighbours
Go back to reading - writing
Drink more tea

Take the first mental break: coffee and cigarettes, put on some music and sit by the window or sit in front of the house and listen to the birds on their business
Go back to reading - writing

Take the second physical break: chop more wood, start dinner preps
Go back to reading - writing

Second mental break: wood-carving, photography, practice harmonica, collect some clay for natural farming, pick pine needles to ferment later
Go back to reading - writing

Prepare dinner - eat alone in silence
Meditate - pray - stretch
Practice asceticism
Go for a little walk and salute the dogs with a gentle head gesture
Talk to your neighbour about his herd - highland pastures - upcoming storm or market day

Read a bit more and sleep
Repeat as necessary