Ⓐ Personal Space

pine locked me inside

Look, love
look through this dense forest
as further as your eyes can reach

        blocked vision -
    which path should I take?

    follow the sun rays that
          some patches?

    follow the sound of rushing river somewhere?

and listen.

pines block the sound.

listen, love, please
listen through this dense forest

can’t you smell my skin?
or, have you forgotten
all the pain I’m in?

pines block scent.

a deep breath
slow down.

sit down and smell
and listen and see
what does it tell you?

how i wish…
        how i wish you were here.
we’re just two lost souls…

there were no forests
in Valle della Luna
I talked to the Sea
            - she told me to
                    go with the Wind.

and so I did.

    - pines block the wind.

well, love
if it’s all blocked outside
maybe it’s time
to look inside.

pine locked me inside.

Cicekpinar #poetry